Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Important Discovery

Well, it is 5:20am and I've been awake since 4. What to Expect when You're Expecting says that I should have a snack and go back to bed. It didn't work. So I've decided to share with you a very important discovery I made yesterday during my afternoon snack...Baby Lilly is the perfect size for balancing a glass of milk! And she's at the exact right height for dipping Oreos!!! Bet all you skinny people with flat stomachs can't do that! Anyways, this got me thinking about some of the other things I've enjoyed about being pregnant...

  • Watching Matt read the pregnancy test directions just to make sure I had in fact peed on the stick correctly & that there couldn't be a false positive.
  • Our families & friend's reactions to the big news. Corrie won the award for best reaction.
  • Hearing the baby's heartbeat & seeing her for the first time.
  • Eating Matt's food on behalf of the baby.
  • Weekly emails comparing the baby to produce. (Week 39 is a mini watermelon - of course)
  • Hearing the excitement in Matt's voice the first time he felt the baby move.
  • The silly grin Matt could not wipe off his face for 30 minutes after finding out its a girl - he was so proud of himself!
  • Waking up from a nap and finding Dakota curled up next to me with his head resting against my belly.
  • Consuming 400+ Tums in a 3 month period. (oops wrong list)
  • Waking up from a nap and finding Dakota curled up on top of my belly (literally!).
  • Getting to hear Matt talk in his sleep on a nightly basis. (The fact that I'm awake is not a perk but hearing Matt tell a joke and laugh out loud at himself in his sleep was definitely worth it that night!)
  • Torturing our family & friends by taking forever to decide on a name and not telling them now that we have. : )
  • The funny bumps and weird things my stomach does when the baby is moving around.

I'm sure there are others but my brain is still foggy. I really am so thankful for having a great pregnancy but am serious about the number of Tums I've eaten. I'm expecting a call from them any day about being their new spokesperson.


Lavender Bubbles said...

So what happened during Corrie's reaction that made her's the best????

Kelly Johnson said...

Abbie, you are a great writer, especially for so early in the morning! That post cracked me up. :c) I am so with you on the sleepless nights, every morning I tell Josh something weird he did in his sleep and he says, "how do you know?" I guess we'll be well prepared for our little girls to keep us up, right?! Hoping for some exciting labor news soon! :c)

Catherine said...

Abbie, you are BY FAR the cutest thing I have ever seen with your glass of milk and proud grin! :)

I also really enjoyed the mental image of Matt grilling you on how EXACTLY you used the test stick, and scouring the box for precise details on how to interpret the results... I can actually see it in my head, and it makes me laugh!

I love this blog -- I miss seeing you guys! I can't wait to see your brand new watermel.. I mean, beautiful baby girl. ;)