Adelyn: "Hiii-ya!"
Mommy: "Adelyn, are you going to be the next Karate Kid?"
Adelyn: "Yaaa"
She definitely keeps us laughing. Matt & I have certainly noticed her budding personality more and more, but it seems that others have too. The general consensus is that this girl is TROUBLE! But don't take my word for it. Here's what everyone else is saying...
Gigi: "What a BUSY BEAVER you are Adelyn! I don't remember any of you girls being so busy & talkative all the time." (By busy she means intently focused on something at all times.)
Dan & Jaaron (parents of 2 1/2 year old Brody. Jaaron is always reminding us that boys use 50% more energy than girls): "She is such a WIGGLE WORM! I don't remember Brody being this much of a wiggle worm at her age."
The Pediatrician in response to my question about separation anxiety: "Well, you know, she's a bit of a STINKER. So I think she's just putting on."
Last Sunday after church our friend Brian sought me out to tell me: "That girl is TROUBLE! I was sitting in the nursery holding Jackson when Adelyn crawled over and untied both of my shoes!"
So there you have it. TROUBLE! She keeps us on our toes that's for sure. And we wouldn't have it any other way. It is so cute to see her tease & play with us. She loves to chase Dakota, swim, swing, climb the stairs and open & close doors. She also loves to snuggle whenever she can hold still long enough to do it. I always cherish those moments. They don't last long.
Oh yes! This is a great description of TROUBLE! uMMM...maybe this all sounds familiar to MiMi :)
i hate to be the one to tell you this, but it only gets worse! they become more mobile, more coordinated, and more curious. i say better busy than not!
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