Friday, June 4, 2010


is what happens when someone...

A. has a problem with food. Specifically chocolate.

B. denies her cravings for 3 solid weeks.

C. takes away her toddler's pacifier and 3 days in cannot remember what on earth she was thinking!


Grandpa said...

I am not sure what your point is??

It all looks good to me!!!!!

Chocolate is GOOD!!!


Mimi said...

Looks like it's time to bring out the "big guns" (chocolate ones, that is). Good luck with "passy retirement," and happy eating!

Rob and Darla said...

Oh dear...I fear this is about to happen to me... the chocolate part at least; I have only just begun giving my child the pacifier and already it's become a curse on me!

Gigi said...

This, too, shall pass ... "hangeth thou in there" girls!! Love you!