Monday, July 18, 2011

I think...

Adelyn: "I fink we should rent dis house and move to a beach condo."

Me (in a surprised and perplexed voice): "You think we should rent this house and move to a beach condo?"

Adelyn: "Yes!"

Me: "Why?"

Adelyn: "Because, I just wike beach condos better den dis house."

Another time...

Adelyn: "I fink the way you get to heaven is dat you fly dare on a plane wike Jeremy* and when you get dare God, Jesus, and Dakota** open up the door and walk in and say "hi, guys!"

*Jeremy is the plane from Thomas.

** Dakota is our cat that we put to sleep when Adelyn was 18 months old -- well over a year before she made this statement. 

We have no idea where she comes up with this stuff but I can assure you that both conversations were totally out of the blue and not prompted or manipulated in any way.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I love Adelyn stories. She is the funniest kid I've ever met. :)